My studies at KISK

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A year ago I decided to get back to school.
While working with various teams on various digital products (mostly in Česko.Digital, I’ve had a chance to meet with amazing service and UX dfesigners, observe or event take part in their work and I fell in love with this field.
I have no theoretical background in service design whatsoever. Some bits and pieces here and there, but no systemathical education or learning process. So far I have learned the most from my teammates and through some hands-on work, such as user journey mapping, or UX testing. But I would like to learn more, get some solid foundations and build my design skills on them.
And guess what? There is a whole bachelor program for that, meant for people like me, who already have their careers but want to broaden their knowledge and skillset. So I applied, managed to get through the admission process, and here I am, one year later, starting the new chapter of my career.
On this site, I would like to present my school projects, and reflect my progress.
Stay tuned!